The Wheels Keep Turning on the Long Bridge

Long Bridge Project Scope
Image: DDOT

At the most recent public meeting for the Long Bridge Study, the bazillion alternatives for the replacement of the two track span were reduced to seven. Of those seven options, a bicycle connection is included in three.

The Long Bridge project replaces, well, you guessed it, an aging long bridge. This bridge serves as primarily as a freight rail connector but also as a growing transportation corridor for Amtrak’s intercity passengers rail system and, the Maryland Area Regional Commuter Rail (MARC) and the Virginia Railway Express (VRE) commuter rail services.

According to the Long Bridge Project site, District Department of Transportation (DDOT), in coordination with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) are working cooperatively to complete a comprehensive study for the rehabilitation or replacement of the Long Bridge over the Potomac River, owned by CSX Transportation. The 3.2-mile study area begins in Arlington, Virginia and extends northeast, along the existing rail alignment in the District of Columbia, east of L’Enfant.

The Long Bridge
Image: Author

Specifically, the project corridor begins just past the I-395/Center-Leg Freeway, along the Virginia Avenue, SW viaduct past L’Enfant Plaza, and across the Potomac River at Long Bridge Park near Roaches Run. The project seeks to build rail capacity for 2040, when freight and passenger rail traffic would likely doubled from the current average of 76 weekday trains. This is the only Potomac River rail bridge that connects the District with Virginia, with the next closest crossing of the Potomac between Maryland and Harper’s Ferry, WV.

Long Bridge ‘Level 1 Concept Screening’
Image: Author

The objective of the May 16th “Level 1 Concept Screening” meeting was to receive public comment on the resulting concepts based on three screening criteria. The three criteria are Railroad Capacity, Network Connectivity, and resiliency and redundancy and contain several steps, conditions, and requirements. The criteria excluded tunnel options as they would be too costly or technical infeasible, options that included roads or street cars as those options do not appear on jurisdictional plans, or the selection of another crossing location as that would be impractical and wouldn’t serve the needs of passenger rail users and lacks connections for other modes.

The project considered 19 alternatives,
those highlighted in Green are the “Retained Concepts”
Image: Author

After the implementation of the criteria recommendations, the twelve alternatives were reduced to seven, with one being the required ‘no build’ alternative. The remaining six alternatives contain 3, 4 or 5 track-only options. Of those options, 3 included bike facilities. While there were no renderings at this presentation, crossing options for bikes could include spans that are connected or directly adjacent to the rail bridges or is an unconnected span several feet away. Bike infrastructure may exists beyond just the span over the Potomac. Planners state that bike connections and facilities could be included as part of the rebuilding of the viaduct and the L’Enfant VRE (potentially MARC) station; connections near the Tidal Basin and East Potomac Park; and direct bike connections to Crystal City or the Mount Vernon Trail.

Now in phase 3, the next steps include a Detailed Alternatives Screening from now until Winter 2018; a Draft EIS – Spring 2018 – Fall 2018; a Draft EIS Public Hearing – Fall 2018 – Winter 2019 (Public Comment) followed by a Record of Decision in the Spring of 2019. If you have comments on the alternatives use the comment form or email

Scoping Meeting for Long Bridge Replacement Include a Few New Options

Attendees labeling suggestions
along project corridor.

The second community scoping meeting in 2016 for the Long Bridge replacement unveiled a few more crossing options that aim to expand the number freight and passenger rail trains that cross the Potomac as well as include new alternatives for bicyclists and pedestrians. The current bridge, built 1904, gives the region and the bridge’s current users a rare opportunity to build a structure that meets local, regional and national transportation needs.

The purpose of this second meeting was to allow the public to provide comments and suggestions along the project corridor. The preliminary concepts now include 9 specific alternatives, some with three variable options. The project’s new alternatives hope to address capacity issues, as current and near future peak hour rail traffic is projected to or currently exceeds some of the project’s alternatives.

Some of public attendees, who had backgrounds ranging from the railroad industry to engineering firms, discussed the concepts with project officials as this is the last meeting in Phase 2 of the study, which will use the information gathered in previous meetings and analysis to help prepare the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), which will happen in Phase 3. Prior to the delivery of the DEIS some time during the summer of 2017, the project will provide a detailed screening of the alternatives and the associated public hearing.

Project Preliminary Concepts
Courtesy: DDOT Long Bridge Project

Of the 15 current alternatives, three specifically include a share bicycle and pedestrian path (3A, 5A, 8A) while three others include general purpose vehicle lanes that could include accommodation for bicycles (3C, 5C, 8C).

The other alternatives either do not explicitly include a bike or pedestrian crossing, include a tunnel option, or is in a new location. Project staff discussed the possibility of the reuse of the current bridge and its piers for other transportation options if the tunnel or a new location option is selected.

Until details emerge, determining the best bike / pedestrian option is difficult. That said, providing comments on what your like to see is still important. Connections to the District and Virginia trail and bicycle networks should be included in the discussion and include the example of the extension of the 15th Street NW protected bike lane across the National Mall and Tidal basin.

Speaking with a member of DDOT’s staff, the project also could be a catalyst for other changes potentially not under the current scope. For example, if a tunnel option is considered the current railway tunnel under Maryland Avenue SW and viaduct over Virginia Avenue SW could become obsolete. This could provide an opportunity reestablish the street grid.

Comment for this project can be submitted using snail mail and this form, or you can email your comments to The deadline for DEIS scoping comments is October 14, 2016.

The Long Bridge Project Public Scoping Meeting

The District Department of Transportation and the Federal Railroad Administration will hold another public scoping meeting for the replacement of the Long Bridge. The meeting will be Wednesday, September 14 from 3p to 6p at the L’Enfant Plaza Club Room, Promenade Level, 470 L’Enfant Plaza, SW.

The Long Bridge connects the District to Virginia, between East Potomac Park and Long Bridge Park, respectively.

According to DDOT, the Long Bridge Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) provides an opportunity to comment on a comprehensive study to address long-term railroad capacity and reliability issues for the Long Bridge and focuses on recent project activities, next steps in the study process, the proposed EIS Study Area, and the purpose and need for the project.

While the project’s main focus is on the movement of freight and passenger rail across of the Potomac, alternatives included provisions for pedestrian, bicycle, and streetcar connections.

As of the most recent meeting held February 10, 2016, the project contains six alternatives, of which 4 include provisions for bicycle or pedestrian access. These are the most recent alternatives under consideration.

The scoping meeting will be conducted as an open-house with no formal presentation. Interested members of the public are welcome at any time during the three-hour meeting period. DDOT and FRA are accepting public scoping comments on these topics until September 26, 2016.