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Looking at Downtown. Image: BikeSpecific |
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will hold a “pop-up style” public engagement event on Thursday, October 20, 2016. This all day event is part of a series of meetings to view and provide feedback on draft alternatives for the Downtown West Transportation Planning Study.
This event will focus on the development of alternatives for transportation across this corridor and includes a separated bicycle lane and pedestrian improvements on Pennsylvania Avenue NW and evaluation of a contraflow bus lane on H Street NW from east to west within the corridor and at specific locations, as shown below.
The engagement events will be held in three locations. The first location is at the southeast corner of Pennsylvania Avenue NW and 22nd Street NW between 8:00 and 10:00 AM. The next event is begins at 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM at the Farmers Market on the 800 block of Vermont Avenue NW. The last meeting location starts at 4:00 and lasts until 6:00 PM and is located on the northwest corner of Pennsylvania Avenue NW and 19th Street NW.
The rain date is Thursday, October 27. For more information, please visit the study website.