The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will provide a new grant opportunity to help implement Vision Zero strategies. The total grant award is $600,000 and will be available during Fiscal Year 2017; helping to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries to people walking, biking, and driving within the District’s transportation system by 2024.
The grant, open to local 501(C)(3) organizations and District agencies, may be granted up to $200,000 for individual proposals. The proposal deadline for grant submissions is 5:30 p.m., October 3, 2016. All grants must be spend during the 2017 fiscal year, which is from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017. Applications should be sent to District Department of Transportation, c/o Jonathan M. Rogers, 55 M St. SE, 7th Floor, Washington, DC 20003. Applications may also be submitted by email to
The grant application suggests grant requests should focus on Vision Zero strategies that include physical improvements or better instruction to reduce or eliminate harmful or fatal interactions; specific improvements that protect the young and elderly or encourage these groups to use bicycle or walk; or reducing aggressive, inattentive or impaired driving.
Below is a copy of the application, which can also be found on the DDOT website.