DDOT extends dockless permits for 2019 operators


This month, DDOT granted five dockless e-bike and scooter operators (HelBiz, Jump, Lyft, Skip, and Spin) public space space permits for the 2020 calendar year, apparently rejecting four 2019 dockless vehicle operators.

At least one dockless company was furious because, as they saw it, the selection process was unclear.

Being the holiday season, it appears that DDOT has had a change of heart.

In a press release issued December 20th, DDOT states that it will extend the permits for the four dockless companies not selected (Bird, Lime, Razor and Bolt) until Tuesday March 31, 2020. The 2019 dockless operators not granted a permit to operate in the 2020 may appeal of DDOT’s rejections of its application. All appeal must be submitted in writing to DDOT by anuary 2, 2020. DDOT will issue final decisions by Friday, February 28, 2020.

Dockless operators must continue to adhere to the 2019 permits guidelines which include adherence to vehicle minimums and maximums and apply

DDOT says that it granted an extension to, “ensure continued access to shared mobility options for residents and visitors while DDOT considers appeals to the permit awards for the 2020 shared dockless vehicle program.”